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Things are going pretty well for the wolves of Blacktalon. There are a few new recruits who have already proven their mettle by taking on the spring's first mission! With Tristan and Issy together at last, it seems that all is right in the world. Well, unless you're a male of Blacktalon. Bloomsday has never been a holiday that treated them well, favoring the gentler sex and allowing ladies to own the day.
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"Tristan and Issy"
Participants: Marina, Chance, Chase, Mikazaru
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October's Member Spotlight is Brave! Brave is an active member of the roleplay, as well as being a fun person to be around. Congrats Brave!
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The Native Peat - Page 2 Empty Re: The Native Peat

Post by Chance Mon Jul 22, 2013 10:11 pm

Chance was cursing his sudden crazy boldness. This wolf was larger than he was, and looked O so much stronger. Plus now he was being aggressive. The shy male curled his tail under his belly, whimpering in fear of what this male might do to him. He stumbled back a few steps upon the wolf’s advance, trembling. With the snap of the male’s jaws close to his own face, Chance let out a small yelp, dropping to the ground in a little fearful ball. “Please, please don’t hurt me,” he whimpered, paws over his eyes.

Suddenly Brave leaped forward attacking the male, shouting at him as well. Chance wasn’t sure how this was going to help the situation. It only seemed to make both parties’ angrier, something Chance didn’t like, normally being a rather peaceful fellow after all.

Mikazaru came over to stand by Chance, giving the male enough courage to stand up, albeit on shaky legs. The dark male seemed to be almost pleased watching the fight, unlike himself, who was only watching on in horror, his terror growing as Marina came over to scold the intruder. If she got hurt, he would blame himself for not being able to take care of things himself.

The angry male retorted in a snooty fashion back at the females before freeing himself and insulting Brave and removing her from himself. The male looked ready to fight, which made Chance feel very nervous. He felt responsible for the mess that had appeared. “Please don’t… don’t fight,” he whimpered.

Addressed: Logan, Brave, Marina
Mentioned: Mikazaru,


Posts : 34
Join date : 2013-07-01

My Character
Mate/Crush: I do like this girl but I'm still very nervous about it
Talents: Climber, Caregiver
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The Native Peat - Page 2 Empty Re: The Native Peat

Post by Brave Tue Jul 23, 2013 5:22 pm

It Can Only Be Controlled...

Brave snarled at the male wolf she had pinned underneath her paws, not releasing her grip on him as she knew this ancient trick like she knew her own strength. She became relieved when Marina ran in on the scene. "I don't know where you come from, sir, but here we don't just rush up on a group of wolves and attack them, okay? If you have a problem with us, you must speak to Agro. Now you leave him alone! And thank you, Brave, for disarming him. That was impressive." The female nodded with agreement, but still kept her place.

The wolf underneath her rolled his eyes and scoffed "I did not rush in and attack others. Your friend over there rushed at me. I had merely stepped through the bushes and sat, and he came rushing at me. Its his own stupid fault, I only reacted to his stimulus. And now I'm the one attacking everyone? Pah. You need to get your facts straight before you start accusing others of thing they haven't done." Then, the multicolored wolf surprised her by giving a mighty thrash and flinging the femme off of himself. "Get off me you stupid hillbilly Wench!" he snapped and stood himself up.

Brave made no move to recover her power, she only spoke as calmly as possible to the intruder. "I know what I saw, you trying to dominate over Chance. Stupidly you assumed you could muscle your way into this pack, you cannot. Go or we may resume our confrontation in a more... docile manner!"

Addressed: Marina, Logan
Mentioned: Marina, Logan
Nothes: Okay, sorry, I was just going off of the skills chart to see whether or not she could tackle him sucessfully.

Posts : 73
Join date : 2013-07-04

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Mate/Crush: Meh
Talents: Climber, Scavenger
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The Native Peat - Page 2 Empty Re: The Native Peat

Post by Agro Tue Jul 23, 2013 7:13 pm

Agro had been very lazy since arriving at this new camp. Despite being a stranger in a strange land, he did not feel fear or concern about their predicament. The traces of a pack here were so small that they could have been non-existent - not that he'd really scouted around that much.

Getting to know some of the new wolves was something he'd attempted for a while, but finding that to be a form of work as well he entertained himself instead with ribbing and singing, and the occasional observation. He saw many make friends quickly in the guild, and others seem to keep more to themselves. A wolf like Agro hardly concerned himself with suspicious wolves, as his history of running with such a motley crew left him unable to detect who was suspicious and who was just a wolf trying to make their way in the world.

Presently the old meister was flopped on his side, enjoying the pleasant weather this day had brought. Despite the yammering and prattling of his guildmates, he felt like a wolf on his own planet. Even when the cub used him as a springboard to attack his sister he hardly grunted. Yes, it was a fine sort of day, despite the rumbling of his own stomach, becoming more and more difficult to ignore.

When the cub grabbed his scruff, Agro lifted his head to turn an eye to him, possibly throwing the cub's balance a little as his did. "S'matter there, boy?" He mumbled. "Sister took yer stick away? S'plenty o' sticks layin' around. Don' see why yer bitin' grown wolves again." He yawned, as though bored, and did little else, but Damian by now should have known Agro as a wolf capable of a lightning fast pinning when so inclined.

Another stranger approached, and tried to engage the cubs in play. He was an odd duck, but seemed harmless enough. Agro watched him for a moment, before the rabble of other wolves drew his tired eye.

They seemed to be squabbling with an aggressor, who mewled and spat like a feline but seemed pretty much handled by the females of the pack. Marina's mention of his name caught his attention. "Why're ye drawing me in t'all this?" He asked loudly. "Ye seem t'have things under control there." He sat up and scratched himself, still mostly ignoring Damian's attempts to get a rise out of him. "And say, if'n yer feelin' industrious, maybe ye can fin' us something to eat 'ere soon." Agro seemed to be completely missing the point of their scuffle. Well, how tough could he be if a bunch of females could take him down like that, Agro thought to himself.

Turning his head in the general direction of the wolf called Vidocq, he called out to him absently, unsure even if he were in range of hearing at all.. "Hey Vid, isn't the keepin' an eye out sort of yer departmen', now? Any other strangers ye want'ter make mention of?" Agro hadn't even seen Jane yet. Agro rarely saw any newcomer first. Sometimes weeks passed before he was even aware there were wolves in the guild he didn't know. Much of that he left to Claudius or to the Gesellen of the group. He figured out who was who when he needed to, and never any sooner.

Addressed: Pretty much everyone

Posts : 6
Join date : 2013-05-17

My Character
Talents: Warrior, Hunter, Storyteller
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The Native Peat - Page 2 Empty Re: The Native Peat

Post by Vidocq Tue Jul 23, 2013 10:56 pm

A pleased grin creased the corner of Vidocq’s muzzle as he pup gave her assent. Seeing she did not plan on fleeing brought a strange sense of relief to his mind. He had little experience with pups, and so this newfound protective mentality was perplexing, even a bit unsettling. All of this uncertainty was hidden beneath his sternness. “Alright,” he said simply. “Best follow me. I will introduce you to-“ Before he could complete his statement, Mikazaru was felled by a peculiar tawny male. The wolf did not appear to be hostile, however, and so Vidocq did not intervene. Just as quickly as the odd creature appeared, he bolted toward the Guild’s present camp. The spy naturally chose to pursue.

“Keep close. Strangers seem to be falling out of the sky,” he remarked dryly as he began walking. “As I was saying, I shall introduce you to our leader- a fellow by the name of Agro. He will take kindly to you, I know. He’s quite fond of pups, seeing as he acts like one most of the time.” The smirk returned to his features. Vidocq had served stricter wolves in his time, though he could not exactly say he preferred their rule to Agro’s nonchalant ways. It was an interesting tradeoff. In a few moments, the pair had reached the edge of the camp. “Where did that loon end up?” the sleuth muttered to himself, pausing at the border of the settlement. Again, before he could move to do as he planned, another disturbance caught his attention. Several of his guildmates were quarreling with an alabaster male who bore interesting markings. Like the little black pup, he had discovered the stranger’s scent on his rounds, and so the male’s appearance was not wholly unexpected. What surprised him was his confrontational manner. Agro did not seem to be too terribly concerned, and so the spy decided to let the others sort the matter out.

“Hey Vid, isn't the keepin' an eye out sort of yer departmen', now? Any other strangers ye want'ter make mention of?”

At the sound of that familiar brogue, Vidocq instinctively straightened his posture. Before he answered the Meister, he looked down at the pup beside him. “That’s our cue,” he breathed, and strode over to where his leader sat. “Spying is merely a habit I cannot seem to shake,” he replied, somewhat coy, “though I may have met my match.” He took a short step to his right to let Agro have a clear view of the timid young one. “She has followed us and evaded my eyes for some time now. A little bird blew her cover.” Amusement colored his gaze as he glanced at the little wolf. Soon, she would have a less finicky and far more satisfying meal.

Addressed: Jane, Agro
Mentioned: Mikazaru, Jeamesero, Logan, Brave, Marina, Agro
Status: calm; briefly perplexed; confident
Word Count: 534
Notes: a meager attempt at catching up
Text ● SpeechThoughtsOthers’ Speech


Posts : 46
Join date : 2013-06-30
Age : 27
Location : Keeping watch in the night

My Character
Mate/Crush: Ha, no.
Talents: Seer, Scavenger
Roleplay Items: N/A

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The Native Peat - Page 2 Empty Re: The Native Peat

Post by Varien Wed Jul 24, 2013 3:12 pm

The Native Peat - Page 2 34978jq The Native Peat - Page 2 33ayufk
Varien heard a sudden scream and turned his head to look at Mikazaru who was now… being crushed by another wolf?
Varien growled loudly at this. Who was this wolf and why was he crushing Mikazaru? Using him as a private pillow and hurting him? Hurting him!
‘’That… that jerk…!’’, the Interior Alaska wolf thought furiously as he watched this light brown male with chestnut brown eyes, laying on top of Mikazaru. That poor black wolf…
Luckily, this male quickly after his attack got off of the poor black wolf, who could finally breathe again. But, the way the newcomer spoke was like he didn’t care about Mikazaru’s health at all, which made Varien feel even more angry.
‘’Thank you for being my temporary pillow, friend. I will now go and meet the others. ’I’m Jeamesero. And your names are?’’
The purple eyed wolf growled slightly. He wished this male would already scram.

‘’Bring it on, old man.’’
The words from Damian, directed towards old Agro, caught the light brown coated male’s attention. He immediately went over to the two to play-bow at the four months old pup. The Interior Alaska wolf sighed at this in relief.
‘’Good, now he won’t bother Mika anymore.’’, the male thought as he watched the newcomer with narrowed eyes. He wasn’t sure, but this male seemed quite odd. Like he had changed expressions all of a sudden. To be exact; like he had changed personalities.
The black wolf with purple eyes shook his head, shaking the strange thought away. That was just impossible; you could not have multiple personalities, could you?

Just when Varien thought it couldn’t get any worse with all these newcomers, a third stranger appeared; another male. He was white with black and seemed quite aggressive. But that was only because the cowardly male called Chance had greeted him in a sort of… strange way?
The male shook his head in annoyance at all these newcomers and watched the male who just entered the clearing carefully, observing his every move. He perked his pointy ears to catch any conversations going on between them.
‘’What!? Whatcha gon' do pretty boy? Bat your eyelids whelp?’’, the aggressive male snarled at Chance.
Just that moment the female called Brave who had just awoken came into view, pinning down the male and yelling at him, protecting Chance. Though, Varien couldn’t really call it protecting, it was more some kind of intimidation.
‘’What do you think you're you doing, you worthless scumbag!?’’
Mikazaru even went to check out what was going on. With four newcomers, one being strangely playful, the other one strangely girly and the last one aggressive, all the Interior Alaska wolf could do was shake his head in confusion.
The Native Peat - Page 2 33ayufk

Addressed: None
Mentioned: I guess almost all?
Note: Lame post… I’m not in the mood to roleplay but I needed to anyway.

Posts : 15
Join date : 2013-07-02
Age : 28
Location : Outer space?

My Character
Mate/Crush: He has always had his eyes on a certain male
Talents: Swimmer, Warrior
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The Native Peat - Page 2 Empty Re: The Native Peat

Post by Mikazaru Thu Jul 25, 2013 4:45 pm

The Native Peat - Page 2 2chri12 The Native Peat - Page 2 2i903dd

Just when Mikazaru thought this fight was going to be settled, Marina appeared behind them. She seemed quite angry with this aggressive newcomer and this was how her voice sounded when she spoke to him.
But still, who wouldn’t be angry when someone was rude towards their friends?
‘’Excuse me!’’, she barked at the stranger as she arrived at the scene. ‘’I don't know where you come from, sir, but here we don't just rush up on a group of wolves and attack them, okay? If you have a problem with us, you must speak to Agro. Now you leave him alone! And thank you, Brave, for disarming him. That was impressive.’’
Mikazaru looked at Marina and nodded in agreement.

‘’I did not rush in and attack others. Your friend over there rushed at me. I had merely stepped through the bushes and sat, and he came rushing at me. It’s his own stupid fault, I only reacted to his stimulus. And now I'm the one attacking everyone? Pah. You need to get your facts straight before you start accusing others of thing they haven't done.’’, the male said, as he was still pinned down by Brave. He looked up at the female to continue speaking, this time addressing her. ‘’Get off me you stupid hillbilly Wench!’’
‘’Please don’t… don’t fight.’’
The black male looked next to him to see Chance, who seemed to be less scared of the newcomer. Maybe because Brave had taken him down, maybe because this male was laying there on the ground.

‘’I know what I saw, you trying to dominate over Chance. Stupidly you assumed you could muscle your way into this pack, you cannot. Go or we may resume our confrontation in a more... docile manner!’’, Brave spoke to the wolf as that male got up.
Mikazaru knew he had to do something to get calm the others down. When he was still a yearling, and still lived with his birth pack, he had been known for being the peacemaker of the pack. he felt a bit ashamed that right now he was only watching. He wondered why he was too scared to open his mouth and say something. Maybe everything in his past with aggressive strangers had just traumatized him. who knows.

‘’Why're ye drawing me in t'all this? Ye seem t'have things under control there. And say, if'n yer feelin' industrious, maybe ye can fin' us something to eat 'ere soon.’’
Even Agro, who was laying some meters away from the group of wolves, addressed them. It was more meant for Marina to be heard, but Mikazaru felt addressed as well. Even though he knew he hadn’t said a thing and was only watching, Agro’s words still made him feel this way.
Finally the black male decided to speak and swallowed. He took a step forward, his ears were pulled back a little and his tail was even further between his hind legs than Chance’s. At least, Mikazaru though he appeared more scared than Chance.

‘’Um… can we please be nice to each other? And not get into any more fights? It’s best to fix this problem when being polite and hospitable…’’, he mumbled, eying the others nervously.

Addressed: The group of wolves
Mentioned: Agro, Chance, Logan, Marina, Brave
Mika’s mood: Nervous, unsure
Word count: 537
Note: Weeeee, post~

The Native Peat - Page 2 34rxb7r
The Native Peat - Page 2 E8q3de

Just when Jeamesero was inviting this four months old pup to play, he heard the talking of other wolves not too far away from him. He stopped play-bowing at the hybrid pup and lifted his head to look at that group of wolves.
The wolves were all standing around another wolf, who smelled like he hadn’t been around this pack for long. The group of wolves felt tense but that didn’t stop Jeamesero from going over to them.

He ran to the stranger wolves, hopping like a little rabbit to lose more of his forever going on-energy. His wide, chestnut brown eyes glared at the wolves, having a huge sparkle in them. It was like he didn’t even feel this tense energy around the group, like they were all just playing together. and Jeamesero wanted to play with them, too.
He stopped behind the group and realized that the wolf he had bumped in was there as well. maybe this male wanted to play with him, too! Jeamesero sneaked up on this male, his head low and a puppy-like grin on his face. He then jumped up and ran into the wolf playfully, almost knocking him over again.
Then he stood there, wagging his tail as his eyes were focused on this white wolf with black markings. He seemed a little bit angry but Jeamesero was sure he could cheer up this lad. He stepped a bit closer to the male, trying to sniff the wolf’s muzzle as a way to greet him. Just like young wolves would do, too.

‘’Konnichiha! Any of you ookami wanna play with me?’’, he spoke, his chestnut brown eyes still focused on this new male. It was like he was asking this question in general, but looking at him, you knew he was only talking to this white male with black markings.

Addressed: Logan + others (indirectly)
Mentioned: Damian, Brave, Marina, Mikazaru, Logan, Chance
Word count: Only a lame 308…
Note: Jea speaks Japanese, weeee~ Konnichiha = hello; ookami = wolf (it was plural though, so wolves).


Posts : 479
Join date : 2013-07-01
Age : 27
Location : the Netherlands

My Character
Mate/Crush: Someone. c;
Talents: Speaker, Caregiver
Roleplay Items: Second character: Jeamesero

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The Native Peat - Page 2 Empty Re: The Native Peat

Post by Jane Fri Jul 26, 2013 6:08 pm

The young pup watched Vidocq with curiosity as he grinned at her. Her young blue orbs kept a steady watch on him, and he seemed to be more than happy to have her tag along, his posture in no way threatening or frightening to Jane. She searched him for a few more long moments as he spoke up in a casual reply to her nod.

“Alright. Best follow me. I will introduce you to-“

Jane froze as Vidocqs voice did. Introduce me to...? she mused in her mind, brow raising slightly at his unusual cut-off. She sat down, waiting for him to continue, but his eyes were elsewhere. Upon turning in the direction he was looking, Jane watched in horror as the other male who was with them was tackled by a white stranger wolf and consequently turned into a pillow. The sudden appearances of all these canines panicked the youth, and she scampered a tad closer to Vidocq, who seemingly was the only one not being shoved, tackled, or running off. This must be a pack of loons! Jane thought, her eyes wild as the attacker scurried away and the attacked male was soon distracted. The raven pup looked up at Vidocq instinctively and waited for him to do something. Instead, he merely began to speak once more.

“Keep close. Strangers seem to be falling out of the sky. As I was saying, I shall introduce you to our leader- a fellow by the name of Agro. He will take kindly to you, I know. He’s quite fond of pups, seeing as he acts like one most of the time.”

A light Hmph noise came out of the pups mangled mouth at his first remark, somewhat resembling a small laugh. So all these random strangers were all foreign to this band of wolves. It took Jane a moment to shake the thought that she was also one of those strangers, and instead she concentrated on the fact she was going to meet the leader. Agro, as Vidocq had said.
The thought of meeting and possibly being rejected by the head wolf sent a chilling ripple down her spine, but she nodded again. As he was speaking before, it occurred to Jane that if she ran off now, she had very little chance of survival. Running would just be a last resort.

Jane shakily followed close behind Vidocq as he entered the edge of what seemed to be a commonplace for wolves. Canines of every shape and size scattered the area, and Jane drank in their image like a memory. Some where off to the side, conversing like they knew each other, and others lounged around in the bright rays of the sun. However, the young pup thought she could spot a quarrel going on somewhere from behind the protection on Vidocqs legs.

“Hey Vid, isn't the keepin' an eye out sort of yer departmen', now? Any other strangers ye want'ter make mention of?”

The pups ears perked at the sound of the new voice, and she scampered to keep up as Vidocq headed in the direction of it. He mentioned something about a cue, but Jane was too busy trying to hurry and keep well out of the vision of others. She crouched behind Vidocq as he spoke up, looking around from inside the shadow of the older wolf.

“Spying is merely a habit I cannot seem to shake, though I may have met my match.”

Met his match? The words confused Jane's young mind, not understanding that she was the one he was referring too. But it came suddenly very clear as he stepped to the right, revealing the pup to the wolf she could now clearly see. The large wolf must have been their leader. He had a large build covered in a mix of gold and rusty tones, but that was not the first thing she noticed. What immediately caught her eye was the lack of his, and a large scar in the place of where a left eye should have been. Suddenly, Jane was very aware of her own scar that raked across the same side of her own face. She was dumbfounded, and could only manage to cower and shake in front of him, feeling exposed without the cover of Vidocqs shadow.

“She has followed us and evaded my eyes for some time now. A little bird blew her cover.”

She continued to shiver, and met Vidocqs eyes as he glanced back at her. Was this large, golden male who called himself Agro going to hurt her? In a sudden act of self-awareness, Jane turned her face to show Agro her own scars, as if to tell him she couldn't talk even before he spoke to her. She simply looked at him with timid eyes and awaited his response to the stranger pup that was herself.

Addressed: Vidocq & Agro
Mentioned: Vidocq, Mika, Agro, and basically the pack as a whole
Word Count: 835
Notes: I don't know where my muse has run off to~ (But I promise Jane will see Aderyn soon)

Posts : 39
Join date : 2013-07-08
Age : 27
Location : Beep beep

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Mate/Crush: Oh, puh-lease
Talents: N/A
Roleplay Items: N/A

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The Native Peat - Page 2 Empty Re: The Native Peat

Post by Damian Fri Jul 26, 2013 10:06 pm

"S'matter there, boy?""Sister took yer stick away? S'plenty o' sticks layin' around. Don' see why yer bitin' grown wolves again." 

Damian toppled off the male before dancing around him, snapping at his face and paws. “Sticks don't bleed or fight back, old man.” He snorted with a tiny ounce of a smirk. One day he knew he'd get the old man to fight with him, but he continued to be lazy and lay around the place. He was turning into Claudius. How could Agro continue to teach him how to be a warrior when the old coot would just sleep all day? Well...he couldn't. He'd be sleeping which annoyed the pup greatly. Damian did not seem to understand that age meant retirement, and with retirement came sleep. Those old bones needed a break, but the pup refused to let him.

However, before the pup could continue to pester the old man again, another wolf came bounding into the scene with a silly grin on his face and his tail wagging high. He wanted to play, and that was something that the pup would never do. Damian took a few steps away from the male, unsure whether he had a few screws loose. What was wrong with this male? He had never met anyone like this before. What was he so happy about? “I don't play” He replied with a snap before backing away a little more, his ears drawing back in uncertainty and annoyance. He snorted as the wolf ran over to the others and annoyed them. What a weird wolf. Damian was sure that this one's mind was surely broken and messed up. He'd be sure to stay away from such cheerful displays.

He turned back to Agro, but knew the male enough to know that he was too tired to fight. Baby. He snorted at the thought, but trotted to his side and sat down, puffing up his chest as though he was the leader of the pack. To him, he thought he looked very much like an Alpha and a better one than Agro. However, others might see him as a pup copying Agro like a pup would copy their dad or mam. Maybe that was what Agro was to them. A parent, or at least a guardian. He was the one to deal with them and the one to watch over them, the rest of the pack just seemed to other hate the pair, hate one of them or just tolerate them. Which was completely fine with the pups. They didn't want the others trying to baby them or trying to be their friend.

So Damian stopped and watched as Agro went about his day.He was rather lazy about the issue within the pack, which again the pup snorted at. However, his attention was brought upon by Vidocq, which he could never pronounce, as he introduced a new member to the pack. It was a puppy. She was a little smaller than his sister and him, but she seemed very timid. The pup was shaking in fear, trying to hide in Vid's presence. Pathetic little thing. The pup snorted at the other, but he was curious at the same time. He had never met another puppy apart from his sister. She intrigued him.

So he got up from his butt and slowly walked over to the female. He was hesitant and walked around her a few times, pacing back and forth, checking her out from all angles. She was weedy and thin, which meant she had barely any muscles to fight with which disappointed the pup. Another fighting opponent would be great for him and his sister since the rest of the pack preferred messing around and sleeping. He could see the scars on her face and cocked his head at them. They were battle scars. The pup knew about those and these were not them. However, he was curious to how she attained such scars. Maybe something terrible had happened or maybe she was just as stupid as he was and got hurt. So many questioned buzzed through his head as he padded closer to the only stranger he hadn't growled at. Thought, there was no promises that he wouldn't. He sniffed at her and got close to her face and body. “Dakota!” He barked back at his sister to join him in figuring out this new and interesting stranger. He turned back to the newbie and stared into her light blue eyes with his own harsh ones. “Who are you?” He demanded, though he was unusually timid with his ordered; again no growls were emitted. He knew that this female was no threat to him, she was too small, so no need for violence.

Wolves addressed: Agro, Jeamesero Dakota, Jane.
Word count: 790

Posts : 163
Join date : 2013-06-27
Age : 29
Location : Itty bitty living space

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The Native Peat - Page 2 Empty Re: The Native Peat

Post by Jefferson Sat Jul 27, 2013 9:09 am

| L o g a n |

“Please don’t… don’t fight,”

Logan looked at the wolf, that they had said was Chance, he flicked his ears and then rolled his eyes with a huff. [u]'He's an absolute wuss. He needs to grow up and become a wolf, not a coyote'[/i] he thought as he flicked his tail to the side, annoyed at all the attention he was getting.

"I know what I saw, you trying to dominate over Chance. Stupidly you assumed you could muscle your way into this pack, you cannot. Go or we may resume our confrontation in a more... docile manner!"

Logan snapped his head to the female, he growled under his breath, what was he supposed to do? Roll over like a timid pup and give in? No way! He spat to the side as he stood, it was aimed somewhat to the female's way, but landed short of her paws. "Why should I bend knee to such cowardice?" he growled at her, then looked away making sure to keep an eye on her and the others that surrounded him.

"Why're ye drawing me in t'all this?"
"Ye seem t'have things under control there."

Logan looked to the loud booming voice that came from the older male that was laying about, he didn't seem to care to much about his presence, so Logan ignored the wolf's own.

"Um… can we please be nice to each other? And not get into any more fights? It’s best to fix this problem when being polite and hospitable…"

Logan looked to the wolf. He gave another sigh. He was getting sick of being stuck in the middle of the wolves, and so he crouched slightly, his legs elastic he jumped over some of the wolves, and then leapt over their heads, and landed on the other side. "I don't appreciate being surrounded like a deer for slaughter" he huffed and flicked his tail. He looked them all up and down.

"Konnichiha! Any of you ookami wanna play with me?’"

Logan's ears flicked back as the wolf came up in his face, he wasn't sure what to make of the wolf, He arched his neck back, removing his own face, away from the wolf's face, he then stood, curling his tail over his back. "No" he grumbled. "I don't want to play kid" he huffed and shook his coat. Though the wolf was still there. "Go away, kid" he barked.

[ a d d r e s s e d ] Jeamesaro, Brave, Others.
[ m e n t i o n e d ] All
[ n o t e s ] Nope.


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The Native Peat - Page 2 Empty Re: The Native Peat

Post by Mikazaru Sat Jul 27, 2013 1:11 pm

The Native Peat - Page 2 2chri12 The Native Peat - Page 2 2i903dd

‘’Why should I bend knee to such cowardice?’’, the stranger male said who acted pretty aggressively. Mikazaru was sure there wasn’t going to be any nice talks with him. This wolf didn’t seem to appreciate any words coming from others, he was rather selfish.
Just when Mikazaru thought this male was going to snap at them, bracing himself completely, he didn’t know someone was going to attack him from behind.

‘’But then why-’’
Something, or someone, knocked into his hind. The black male let out a scream of terror, his amber eyes widened, before he quickly jumped to the side. The bump into him had been strong, but the male had managed to stay on his paws. He turned around to see the male who had called himself Jeamesero.
He still had this puppy-like look on his face, and those bright sparkling eyes. He wagged his tail constantly and seemed in a very playful mood.
‘’Konnichiha! Any of you ookami wanna play with me?’’, the light brown coated male asked as he stared at the stranger. It was like he asked all the wolves this same question, but his chestnut brown eyes were completely focused on this white wolf with the black markings.

But the stranger didn’t seem to be in the mood for playing with Jeamesero. He made a quick jump over the group of wolves and ended up o the other side. ‘’I don't appreciate being surrounded like a deer for slaughter.’’, he spoke as he looked at the wolves, who were now standing behind him.
He faced the light brown wolf and let out a sigh before responding to him. ‘’No. I don’t want to play kid. Go away, kid.’’

‘’I don’t think he’s-’’, Mikazaru said but he quickly shut his mouth and started to shake his head. There was no way this stranger was going to listen to him. Whether they were nice to him or not, this male was hard to please. The male slightly reminded Mikazaru of the black wolf’s own mother.
Not that this male looked like a female, but he was just as hard to be pleased. His mother was never pleased with him when Mikazaru was little. And now here was this stranger who wasn’t even pleased with the words of anyone.
It was all just too hard to understand how wolves would become so negative, like this stranger.

Addressed: Logan (sort of), Jeamesero
Mentioned: Logan, Jeamesero, others?
Mika’s mood: Unsure yet calm, alright
Word count: 398
Note: Geez, Mika.

The Native Peat - Page 2 34rxb7r
The Native Peat - Page 2 E8q3de

Just as Jeamesero arrived to greet the newcomer, this wolf kind of seemed a bad decision to address. ‘’Jeamesero not sure if male’s a jerk or just annoyed slightly. Maybe he easily feels uncomfortable being surrounded. Just like Jeames himself!
The thought made Jeamesero even wag his tail faster as he looked at this male.

‘’Why should I bend knee to such cowardice?’’
Even though this male sounded quite angry, it didn’t seem to bother the light brown male. All he did was watching the wolf, waiting for his response. After all he had asked the male if she wanted to play. Now this male just had to tell him if he wanted to play or not.
But the male however made a quick jump, and appeared behind the group of wolves. Jeamesero looked confused at the empty spot in front of him and blinked his chestnut brown eyes.
He quickly turned his head to look for the stranger, who was right behind them.
‘’I don't appreciate being surrounded like a deer for slaughter.’’

Jeamesero’s eyes got even wider; this male felt the same way about being surrounded for a too long amount of time! Maybe this wolf wanted to play with him after all, if he told this wolf he hated to be surrounded as well.
He padded over to the white wolf, his black nose close to bumping into him. but the wolf already saw him, and addressed him.
‘’No. I don’t want to play kid.’’, he said as he looked at the light brown coated wolf. He let out a huge sigh as Jeamesero took even a step closer, not listening to this male’s words. His tail wagged like crazy, and it kept on wagging. There was just no stopping it from wagging.
‘’I’m no kid, I’m an adult, just like you.’’, the wolf corrected the stranger, not even feeling offended by the wolf’s words. It was like the wolf’s words didn’t even make it to his brains, but came out of his other ear, flying away.
‘’Male’s just shy; no means yes.’’, Jeamesero thought as he kept on staring at the male in front of him. But the male had other plans and turned his face away from the light brown wolf. It was like he knew Jeamesero was still there, as he continued to sort of scold this young looking adult. ‘’Go away, kid.’’

Jeamesero’s tail lowered, hanging there between his hind legs. He pulled back his ears in sadness and let out a soft whimper. He didn’t take his eyes off the male, just to make sure he was deadly serious. And it seemed like he was.
‘’But… but…’’
His first so sparkly eyes went dull, but not lifeless. He perked his ears as his black pupils became smaller and he curled his lips back into a snarl, revealing his sharp teeth. The hairs on his back raised and so did the Hudson Bay wolf’s tail.
He didn’t really attack the wolf, but made a short jump forward to snap at the male’s face, before taking that same short jump back just so he wouldn’t be hurt by this male. Because he knew this male wasn’t to mess around with.
But Jeamesero wasn’t there to be messed around with, either.
As he stood there with his yellowish teeth shown at this stranger, drool began to drip down along his jaws. But by the sight of his small pupils and the crazy look on his face, this wolf didn’t seem to bother. It was a completely different personality.

‘’You don’t tell me what I should do.’’, Jeamesero said and a slight grin appeared on his face. ‘’Come on, feast with me.’’

Addressed: Logan
Mentioned: Only Logan, I guess?
Word count: 620, whooo!
Note: I love roleplaying as happy and crazy Jea. c8
Also, happy Jea’s thoughts are written rather… awkward. Ah well, he’s just this way. c:


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The Native Peat - Page 2 Empty Re: The Native Peat

Post by Aderyn Sat Jul 27, 2013 1:18 pm

The Native Peat - Page 2 Addy_post_box_header_by_xxsunnybunnyxx-d6er78d

Ads tail twitched as Caroline was silent for a moment after she had spoken and she let out a sheepish smile. Oh well…If she couldn’t befriend everyone, it wasn’t the end of the world, eh? But then again, this was her best friends sister, so, she wanted to get along with her, at least slightly.

“It’s lovely to meet you too. So, Marina seems quite fond of you. She said she felt like you were her sister, you know. I  guess that makes us metaphorical sisters already, huh?”

Aderyn nodded with her smile that was almost automatic for her. She then blinked in confusion as Marina raced off and she twitched her ears. “I-I suppose,” Aderyn turned her attention back to Caroline. “I suppose we do get along like sisters, in a way, we tease each other a lot for one…” Aderyn trailed off,  suddenly feeling more awkward than she had been. This was just great.

That was when she heard Marina’s shouting and the commotion from where her friend had headed. It was the miracle that she had prayed for to get her out of that situation! Hallelujah! Aderyn wasted no time in dashing off at her top speed with a quick, “Let’s check it out,” addressed to Caroline before doing so. Aderyn skidded to a halt next to Marina a second later and looked around to see that Vidocq, Varien, Brave, Marina, Mika and Agro were all stood around a strange new wolf, with Chance cowering behind. As well as that there was another new wolf there, who she couldn’t understand properly one who seemed to speak with foreign terms mixed into his English.

“What’s going on?” she queried looking around again.

That was when she spotted the pup that was cowering next to Vidocq and she couldn’t help but rush over and exclaim in her most friendly voice, “oh my gosh you’re so cute!” Her heart wanted to melt at the sight of the small pup, who Damian was now trying to talk to. This was much the same way she had greeted Damian and Dakota when she had been relatively new to the Guild and they had discovered them out in the wilderness.

Aderyn just had a soft spot for puppies, as she acted like one most of the time, her tail was now wagging back and forth like one as she crouched down close  by to the pup. Then she smiled kindly at the little one, “Don’t worry. We won’t hurt you, and don’t be scared of Aggy. He’s just a big fluff ball,” she whispered the last part so quietly only the ones right next to her could hear her. "And this kiddo, right 'ere," she looked at Damian with a grin, while she wasn't fond of him, she may as well act indifferent, "He's a fluff ball too, but a grumpy one," she grinned. She then shook her head. Ack! She had probably frightened the pup, already, she let out a sheepish grin in an attempt at seeming like a kind weirdo instead of a frightening weirdo. "What's your name little one?" That's when she noticed the scars on the pup's muzzle and her eyes flashed with worry and sadness for the pup for a moment but she didn't press on the matter.

Wolves Addressed: Everyone (indirectly), Caroline and Jane (directly).
Wolves Mentioned: Marina, Caroline, Mika, Vidocq, Varien, Brave, Aggy, Chance, Logan, Jea, Jane.
Notes: So lame ;u;


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The Native Peat - Page 2 Empty Re: The Native Peat

Post by Dakota Tue Jul 30, 2013 4:02 pm

Dakota smirked at Damian's pain. She had no sympathy for him as she was going through exactly the same thing. The only difference was, she had experienced the pain a little earlier than him while they were still travelling. That most definitely wasn't fun for her, or the guild members. After Damian and herself freaked out, thinking she was going to die (a point in the journey that they quickly avoided talking about due to their embarrassment) the journey grew tedious and painful for Dakota. And try as she might, she still let a few whines and groans slip as they headed off to their new home.

Though despite her initial pain lessening, her mouth still ached and hurt the majority of the time. Dakota was getting cranky because she was forced to be quiet due to the pain, which was another thing she didn't like doing. As the whole guild knew, Dakota liked to mouth off to anyone most of the time, and having no opportunity to do so really made Dakota irritable. Chewing the stick that she had stolen from Damian had definitely helped with the situation. Not only had it eased some of the pain in her gob, but it also felt that much finer knowing it was stolen from her brother.

Feeling smug as a bug, Dakota twirled around with her stick for a moment before dropping to the floor and digging into her earned reward. A smirk still played at her lips as she watched her brother bound off to pester Agro, snickering to herself when Agro's lazy butt didn't do much with him. She wanted to see Aggy face off with Damian, just so she could vs the winner. Fighting and improving her strength was something that was always on her mind, but something that the pack may not have noticed. Perhaps one day they'll see Damian and Dakota's fights as their form of play and training to improve. To get even better than Agro.

Dakota had noticed all the scars adorning Aggy's body and it sure as heck wasn't from walking through rose bushes. He had a history behind him that Dakota didn't know anything about, but was still interested in, despite she would play if off as it was nothing. He was the target for her to beat, along with her brother. She wanted to grow up and become as strong as her mother. For wolves to see her as a strong wolf. Not just a strong female, but a strong wolf in itself. Dakota had no time for any of the sexist crap that she'd heard some dogs and wolves spout in her past, she was going to be the best along with her brother. She was determined.

A new voice filtered into her ears, but she had noticed them before her speech toward a bush. Obiously by the way some of the wolves had gathered, there was something of interest there. Dakota assumed it was another wolf of some sort from the smell entering her nose. Ever since Dakota and Aggy's little trip, Dakota sniffed more and more things to practise on her concentration skills. It was hard for her at times, especially in a new place like this because of all the new and unfamiliar scents circling the air; but she managed to single out the scent.

Her eyes narrowed to the stranger faces crowding around one spot, and she growled for a moment as she moved to catch a glimpse of what they were talking to.

She was instantly on protection mode at all the new wolves coming in, and she was certainly not happy that more and more seemed to enter the area to stay with them. Though one caught her eye, the one called Caroline made Dakota scowl with distaste. She was happy. Ugh. Another one.

Her usual wearyness at a stranger was still there, but she saw that she was friendly with Marina, and family was still family. Dakota trusted Marina a little bit, and so though she didn't like her sister being here, she also didn't say anything to them. Just a simple scoff towards the two.

"Oh, you poor thing!"

Dakota heard Caroline's cry of sympathy for the other pup in the area. Dakota had figured out that the wolf scent was the smell of another pup. Something she wasn't happy about. Not. One. Bit.

Her eyes narrowed and she scoffed towards Jane, “Oh, you poor thing” Dakota mocked with an obvious spitefully pleasant tone to show her distaste towards Caroline's words. “Give me a break” She spat and rolled her eyes at the group congregating around the pup.

“Such a poor little child, whatever will she do” Once again Dakota feigned the sweetness into her voice to mock Caroline. She growled at the new comer pup and went to advance towards her but another wolf had entered the area and distracted her.

Chance had been the first one to speak up, which had surprised Dakota. Still with the stick in her mouth she raised an eyebrow as she chewed it. Normally Chance wouldn't even say a word to a guild member, much less a stranger, but lately he had been acting all gross and in love because of Marina.

Yeah, Dakota had noticed. She's a pup. Not stupid.

Anyways, Chance hadn't even reacted to taunts from both Damian and Dakota, which annoyed them to no end. They gave up on testing him and teasing him when they realised it was no use, but Dakota thought that if falling in love could do this to someone then she'd never fall in love. Not that anyone could handle her anyway.

“Tch, love sick dog finally spoke up is it?” Dakota questioned past the stick in her mouth as she watched on with interest to see what the stranger would do.

"Whatcha gon' do pretty boy? Bat your eyelids whelp?"

“Probably” Dakota mumbled with a smirk. She was feeling especially mean today and so she didn't care about hurting anyone's feelings. This Logan seemed like he would be interesting to be around. Aggressive was always fun for Dakota. She took it as a challenge and she would make sure that she would win.

Though it seems that Brave had took it upon herself to protect Chance, and despite the fact that Dakota believed that wolves should learn to defend themselves, or at least try, Dakota was impressed by Brave's actions. “Seems like most of the girls here can handle themselves.” A smirked played at her lips before she narrowed her eyes at Jane, the black pup that Dakota had already formed a distaste for.

‘’Um… can we please be nice to each other? And not get into any more fights? It’s best to fix this problem when being polite and hospitable…’

It seemed that Dakota was scoffing a lot in the day, but once again, one left her mouth as she rolled her eyes at Mikazaru, “As if. You don't get heard in this pack unless you shout or fight.” There was an underlying tone to her voice as she stared at him as if it was a fact. One of the reasons why Dakota acted like such a witch to the majority of the guild was because she had more attention when she was causing a fuss. Every time she's been relatively nice (for Dakota's standards) she's been ignored. Agro seems to be the only exception for that, but most of the time he can't be bothered to move his lazy butt until she causes a fuss. Dakota supposed Aderyn and Marina were...okay sometimes, but more often than not they were wrapped up in their own lives and love. Ew. Love. Gross.

There was a hint of respect for Brave however. Though they hadn't really talked, and Dakota was never fond of new members joining the guild due to her major trust issues, she wasn't half bad. Dakota had to give it to the female, she was strong and didn't back done. Something that Dakota respected. Not that she'd say that. Though the lack of taunting towards Brave could be an indication if anyone looked close enough. She assumed Agro and Damian would notice, but she doubted very much that anyone else would.


Dakota's ears perked and like a bullet being shot, she was at Damian's side in seconds. So it was finally time to meet the new pup, wast it? She thought to herself as she scowled at her with a raised eyebrow.

Being up close and personal, Dakota could see the scars on her face and narrowed her eyes at them. “So that's what Marina's sister was talking about. Hmm. Not bad I suppose.” Dakota shrugged as she sniffed Jane's form, not caring about personal space at all. She got closer to Jane and frowned at her, “Gonna answer us, kid?” Dakota questioned with slight intimidation in her voice, “Or are you just going to let others feel sorry for you? Let them be nice and fuss over you because you like the attention, hmm?”

Dakota didn't like this pup straight away. Though from an outsider's perspective, the other wolves may assume that Dakota was just being extra horrible today. Dakota didn't understand herself that she was doing it for the attention. It's always been ingrained into her mind that if you're mean, then the guild causes more of a fuss over you than if you are nice. That's the way Dakota reasoned it to herself anyway.

Dakota had a lot of issues with trust, dominance, and definitely jealousy. Now what better than to get a new pup entering the area to steal away the attention that the twins had. Nothing could possibly go wrong...

Wolves Addressed: Damian, Jane, Chance, Mikazaru, Caroline
Wolves Mentioned: Brave, Logan, Vid, Marina, Aderyn, Agro, everyone else in the pack really
Word Count: 1632
Notes: Ahh man, sorry I haven't posted in a while. Hopefully this mega post makes up for it :3 Lots of Dakota being a swear word that rhymes with witch, aha. Mini disclaimer, this is my character and not me. I love you all whereas Dakota does not :3

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The Native Peat - Page 2 Empty Re: The Native Peat

Post by Marina Thu Aug 01, 2013 6:28 pm

"I did not rush in and attack others. Your friend over there rushed at me. I had merely stepped through the bushes and sat, and he came rushing at me. Its his own stupid fault, I only reacted to his stimulus. And now I'm the one attacking everyone? Pah. You need to get your facts straight before you start accusing others of thing they haven't done."

 Marina stared at him, confused. She didn't know how to respond, because that kind of made sense, so she merely said "Um." and turned to Chance. The lad was crouching and looking mortified. 

"Are you alright?" She hissed to her friend. "Why would you do that?"

 Agro called something lazily from wherever the heck he was. Thanks a lot Agro. She looked from Chance to the stranger; the latter looked ready to fight, but Marina didn't think he would. She hoped Brave wouldn't keep attacking him. 

 By the time Caroline had trotted over, things were calming down a bit, although the male still looked like he was thinking some violent thoughts. Caroline recognized his scent; he was another loner from around here. Another wolf who had been drawn to the invading pack.

 Freckles was murmuring quietly to a strange male. Caroline threw a quick glance at them both, wondering why her sister didn't really mention any guy friends. The wolf was cute, but who the heck was he? Just a random acquaintance Freckles was checking on, she hoped.

 Her attention was diverted by the disfigured puppy. It was being approached by the other disfigured puppy and his sister. Or at least, they would have been approaching her if Aderyn hadn't swooped in and started fawning over the thing like it was her long-lost child. Maybe it was.

  Marina's ears twitched when she heard Mika: ‘’Um… can we please be nice to each other? And not get into any more fights? It’s best to fix this problem when being polite and hospitable…’’ She nodded eagerly in agreement from where she was. The only reason she had yelled herself was that Chance had been in danger. 

 The stranger moved away from the wolves surrounding him, looking almost calm now. Marina considered the situation diffused and turned back to Chance. 

 Caroline watched in bemusement as a wolf - again a stranger that she had scented before appeared. He approached stranger #1, asking to play, then snapped at him when stranger #1 obviously refused. Well duh, idiot, she thought to herself. Why are you attacking an innocent stranger when this whole pack is moving in and pushing us all out? The three loners should band together, if they should do anything.

 She strolled up to the two casually, as if they weren't about to maul each other, and tilted your head. "There's no need to be bickering, now, you two. If we loners start a fight here, who knows what this pack would do to us." She leaned toward Logan, who seemed slightly more sane, and lowered her voice. "Can you believe them, just waltzing onto our land and setting up camp like they've been here their whole lives? You'd think they'd have a bit of consideration, but I guess we'll just have to make the best of it."

 She raised her tone to normal level, smiling in a friendly, almost appeasing way to them both. "I assume you guys are loners as well."

Marina Addressed: Chance, Logan
 Marina mentioned: Agro, Mikazaru
Caroline Addressed: Logan and Jeames
 Caroline mentioned: Damian, Dakota, Jane, Addy, Marina, Chance
Notes: dumb

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The Native Peat - Page 2 Empty Re: The Native Peat

Post by Mikazaru Fri Aug 02, 2013 10:24 am

The Native Peat - Page 2 34rxb7r
The Native Peat - Page 2 E8q3de

Jeamesero was still staring at the stranger with small pupils. There was drool dripping down his jaws, but he had found out about, it and was now licking it away. Yet his expression wasn’t too good; he didn’t seem to have calmed down yet.
However, a female he had not yet really met came over to the two, and Jeamesero looked her way. She looked like a dog, yet she smelled like a wolf. Jeamesero want sure how to react to this. He just stared at her with confusion in his eyes, yet this snarl hadn’t disappeared off his face.
Now that there was this confusion in his chestnut brown eyes, the male seemed less senseless and more… understanding.

‘’There's no need to be bickering, now, you two. If we loners start a fight here, who knows what this pack would do to us.’’, the female spoke as she looked at both Jeamesero and the male that didn’t want to play with the Hudson Bay wolf. She seemed awkwardly calm.
It was like she didn’t think Jeamesero was dangerous. The adult Hudson Bay wolf didn’t know what to say as he listened to her. she was right in some way, but Jeamesero hated to agree with others when he felt angry.
However, he felt there was no other way, and he took a deep breath. Still, he kept feeling furious at this other male. ‘’Can you believe them, just waltzing onto our land and setting up camp like they've been here their whole lives? You'd think they'd have a bit of consideration, but I guess we'll just have to make the best of it.’’

‘’I assume you guys are loners as well.’’
Jeamesero huffed, but his black pupils had become a bit larger again, and he didn’t seem too angry anymore. But still feelings where unable to be found in his facial expression.
‘’I’m a loner, yes.’’, he responded to the female, as he gave her a long look. He sat down and curled his fluffy tail around him, not taking his eyes off of her. ‘’Yet, who says this is our ground? We are loners, we don’t have a territory. So this isn’t our ground. Everyone is allowed to camp here if they like. Who are we to tell them wrong.’’
He wondered if his words would make this female think. Hopefully she would understand him and start to think about the situation the three wolves were in. then maybe she would come to the understanding that this indeed wasn’t their land. After all these three were loners, they had to pack to claim this ground with.
‘’I’m Jeamesero, by the way.’’

Addressed: Caroline
Mentioned: Logan
Jeames’ mood: Calmed down
Word count: 725
Note: Short post is short. And I was too lazy to respond with Mika today. He doesn’t have much to say anyway.

Posts : 479
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Age : 27
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The Native Peat - Page 2 Empty Re: The Native Peat

Post by Claudius Mon Aug 05, 2013 12:01 pm

Predictably, Claudius had fallen asleep upon their arrival at the peat. Even Claudius himself, who had been on numerous journeys with the Blacktalon, had not known where they were heading this time. Although he took some comfort from the familiarity of travelling on roads that he knew well, there was some excitement about making the journey to a place that he had never visited before.

And instead of making the most of it, Claudius had promptly flopped down on the ground and had fallen asleep. His leg twitched in his dreams, the familiar dreams where his lost siblings cried out for him, their cries unheard by those who walked the mortal realm. Except for him. He heard their immortal cries for help, in his sleep.

His eyes flickered open as Damian yelped. Claudius didn't move from his position, sprawled out on the ground, but his eyes moved to look at Damian, with his paws over his muzzle. It seemed as if he had finally lost his first tooth. He had often joked about how Damian would have to "catch up" to Dakota, and he had never seemed to like that. And with his adult teeth coming, Claudius thought it would be wise to not antagonise the pup.

They had grown a lot in the time they had journeyed to their destination. It was no longer as simple as picking one of them up to stop them from fighting, or to get them out of harms way. Claudius himself would have difficulty in carrying the pups for very long, and the only wolf he knew who would have any sort of luck in carrying them would be Agro. Claudius still held onto the silent hope that with age, would come calmer actions, and less of an attitude problem.

Claudius stood and yawned as the activity in the area increased. Vidocq and Mikazaru joined the group, with a small pup in tow. She had some horrific scarring on her little face, and Claudius clucked his tongue in sympathy. He had seen others with such scars. He had seen his cousin Asha, one last time before her disappearance, with a horrific burn scar on her leg. Her leg had become pink and wrinkled, the heat of the fire so intense the the skin has fused together, melting her toes into a pink club. And her previously proud, determined nature had become bitter and cold. It still saddened him to think that she would be changed so completely by her leg.

He smiled at Aderyn as she cooed over the pup. It was rare for him to smile, but his smiles came easily for him when she was around. He turned his face when he realised he may be staring, his face growing warm with embarrassment.

He looked at another, golden female who was with them now. From the conversation he was hearing, it sounded as if she was Marina's sister. He raised a would be eyebrow at the female. She was certainly an interesting character, to say the least.

Walking over to where the little pup was, it didn't escape his notice that Dakota seemed to be scathing towards her. He hadn't missed what Marina's sister had said either. The disgust that they showed the pup made him feel unsettled. Dakota, of all wolves, could at least try and sympathise with the pup, after all she had gone through.

His thoughts went back to Asha. How her pride had been smashed by her scarred leg. "I don't want none of your damn sympathy, Claudius! You hear! This changes nothing about me! NOTHING!"

Her angry words still rang in his ears, and he looked down to the small pup, a gentle smile on his face. "No one here will harm you, little one. There's no need for your fear." Of course, Claudius understood why she would be scared, but he hoped his words would calm her a little.

Addressed: Jane (directly), Aderyn (indirectly) Mentioned: Pretty much everyone Words: 647

Post box codes (c) tru-vampyre


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The Native Peat - Page 2 Empty Re: The Native Peat

Post by Varien Wed Aug 07, 2013 6:17 pm

The Native Peat - Page 2 34978jq The Native Peat - Page 2 33ayufk

Varien had been watching for quite a while now, and finally came into action. He had seen how Mikazaru had gone to help Chance and the females Brave and Marina to take care of yet another newcomer.
He had seen how Vidocq went his own way and had taken the new pup to Agro and the three other pups. This was his chance to meet this small newcomer as well.
The Interior Alaska wolf got up and walked over to the six wolves slowly, his head held low. He kept his purple eyes focused on the three adult wolves, Agro and Vidocq. After all he was still quite new to the Guild himself, and pretty much an outcast, as he never really spoke to anyone except Mikazaru. Who seemed to despite him a lot lately.

He ended up near the three pups and the three adults, and took a glance at them all, one by one. Then his eyes stayed on the small black pup. It was a female, and she seemed a month or two younger than the two pups who were now already teething.
The black wolf gave the small pup a weak smile. He wanted to ask her for her name, but then saw the scars on her face. She showed the scars off like she wanted to tell the other wolves something, and the sleek black male guessed she couldn’t talk. That’s probably why she hadn’t told these wolves her name yet.
Dakota and Damian already didn’t seem to like her, and Varien felt pity for the poor little pup. She seemed quite shy and on her own, just like him. maybe they could become companions if their first meeting turned out well.
‘’Oh my gosh you’re so cute! Don’t worry. We won’t hurt you, and don’t be scared of Aggy. He’s just a big fluff ball. What's your name little one?’’
‘’So that's what Marina's sister was talking about. Hmm. Not bad I suppose. Gonna answer us, kid? Or are you just going to let others feel sorry for you? Let them be nice and fuss over you because you like the attention, hmm?’’

The way Dakota spoke to the poor little thing made the male feel quite angry with her. The poor pup couldn’t speak, couldn’t she see? He had to take a stand for this and defend her from these two stupid snatchers, who thought they were better than her.
He looked down at Dakota and huffed annoyed. His dull purple eyes seemed to look past her, but he indeed really looked at her.
‘’Leave her alone, Dakota. Can’t you see she can’t speak? You can see by her face she’s been through a lot, so stop bothering her so much.’’
He sounded harsh, and cold, but in his eyes this was the truth; these two pups where bothering the small newcomer. They had to let her be, let her rest for a while. Varien flicked his tail quite irritated and he took another glance at the younger pup who had just arrived at the Guild. Yet again he gave her a weak smile. ‘’Welcome little one.’’
The Native Peat - Page 2 33ayufk

Addressed: Jane, Dakota
Mentioned: Vidocq, Marina, Brave, Chance, Mikazaru, Vidocq, Agro, Aderyn, Logan
Word count: 524
Note: I finally made a post again. I see I missed a lot since the last time I posted…

Posts : 15
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Age : 28
Location : Outer space?

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Mate/Crush: He has always had his eyes on a certain male
Talents: Swimmer, Warrior
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The Native Peat - Page 2 Empty Re: The Native Peat

Post by Damian Wed Aug 07, 2013 10:21 pm

The black continued to stand frozen despite the on going questions and comfort from the pack. Damian remembered when he and his sister first joined the pack. The memory was blurred and fuzzy, but he could remember the voices outside the den and the occasional faces, but nothing too much. It was very similar to how they acted around this new pup. However, the situation was slightly different. Unlike this pup, the pups lives were dangling on a thread. They were freezing, hungry and slowly dying. However, miraculously the two survived. The effort of the pack gave them new life. However, the pups barely showed their gratitude. They did acknowledge that the pack, including Claudius, saved them, but the two would never thank them for it. The pack had seen them weak, and now was the time to show them that they were strong.

Their plan had drawn backs. The pack hated them. Despite the constant effort in trying to be strong and encourage the others (in their own way) to become better, they were hated upon. Damian doubted if any of the packs members liked either him or his sister. Not that he cared,his life was not dedicated on making friends, but protection and strength. He was a warrior, and he was going to fight for the survival of his pack. Him and his sister were going to be the defenders and fighters of this small pack of theirs. That's how they'd repay them. They would keep them safe from danger and death.

"No one here will harm you, little one. There's no need for your fear."

“Stop speaking for everyone else. You can't guarantee that. You hurt us all the time.” He snapped back at Claudius. How could he possibly say that? He hurt his sister before and never apologised for it. His sister's neck hurt for days after Claudius stood on it, and the older male just simply shrugged it off. Damian snorted at the memory. He disliked seeing his sister in pain unless it was inflicted by himself, but nothing that lasted more than a few hours. Her injury by Claudius lasted more than a night. Something the pups were not happy with.

The pup turned back to to the tiny pup and frowned. “Don't listen to Claudius. He's completely useless. He'll just stand on you.” He explained with a tough voice. His hatred for the older man was clear in his voice and eyes. They burned with fury and hate. Nothing good swirled around in his multicoloured eyes of his. Nothing about Claudius was good, so why would any reflection of good shine in his eyes?

‘’Leave her alone, Dakota. Can’t you see she can’t speak? You can see by her face she’s been through a lot, so stop bothering her so much.’’

She couldn't speak? Damian turned back to the female's scars and eyed them. Her scars did look pretty deep. He could empathise with the female if he wanted to, but he wasn't one to cry over something that couldn't change. She was a mute and he was a cripple. Nothing was going to change about that. Nothing. They were stuck like this for the rest of their lives. So Damian didn't want to whine over his wounds, but rather find a way around them and continue to live as though he had his missing leg. He looked down at his stub before looking back to the tiny black female. It was clear that they shared some thing, but he wasn't sure if it was a good thing to share of not. He felt that way about Agro and is missing eye. They were both missing a part of them, but they had moved on from caring too much about it. It hurt that it was gone, yes, but they must move on to survive.

Damian scowled back at the male. “So? I can barely walk, but you don't see me crying about it. Our lives haven't been a walk in the park! So why don't you give us a break for once!” He shouted back at the male. Who was he to judge the pups? He barely knows the pups and has them already placed on the naughty list. “My sister didn't know she couldn't speak. If she did, do you think she'd accuse her of ignoring us like the rest of the pack does?! We've done nothing more than the rest of the pack. It's fine for you to question and prod the pup, but when it comes to us two, you instantly push us away! So why don't you back off and let a pup talk to the pup! Surely someone our size is less intimidating than someone who's five times her size. But scrap it. She's probably terrified of us now thanks to you! Treat her like a baby, mother her, because that's really going to help her in this world.” He screamed before storming away from Varien. He had enough. He couldn't deal with these wolves anymore. This female had been through a lot at a young age, and no one knew that better than the twins.

Wolves addressed: Claudius, Jane and Varien.
Word count: 861
Music: Attack on Titan soundtrack
Notes: This is my character, NOT ME! :3 Just wait until he's a teenager Razz

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The Native Peat - Page 2 Empty Re: The Native Peat

Post by Chance Thu Aug 08, 2013 10:03 am

Chance gave the male, Logan, a glare (something that was hardly intimidating from the shy male). He didn’t like this male, too stuck up for his own good, plus he made it as if Chance had done a bad thing approaching the male. The horrible male had even spat at Marina. His Marina. It was such a disrespectful thing to do and the timid male’s anger was heated at such rudeness to the one who had captured his heart.

This male also very plainly put down the strange energetic male too. Only this one got rather strange about it. It made Chance a little fearful of this new wolf. There was madness in his eyes.

Then Marina looked at him. His body lowered, head looking down shamefully. “I…” His voice broke not able to explain and defend himself. To say that he had merely approached the male with a shout, he hadn’t even been threatening in anyway, I mean who could see this timid male as a threat anyway, not even the pups did and he was bigger than them. Chance felt so useless.

A lot of attention seemed to have turned to something over by the other wolves. He might have gone over for a sticky beak if he hadn’t felt so ashamed. Chance gave a small sigh, partially sounding like a whimper. The pups shouldn’t call Claudius useless. I’m the one who’s useless. At least he has strength on his side, I don’t even have that… Standing more normally he didn’t even look up at Marina as he spoke to her. “I’m not worth hanging around…” With that he padded slowly away. Passing Logan he spat, “Go eat dirt,” in a whisper, before continuing on.

Would he come back? Probably, Chance was not a wolf able to survive well as a solitary wolf. He knew that. He would however, probably spend most of his time away from the other wolves, so as not to bother them with his failure of a life.

Addressed: Marina, Logan
Mentioned: Jeamsro
Notes: sorry if I missed things, lame catch up post…


Posts : 34
Join date : 2013-07-01

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Mate/Crush: I do like this girl but I'm still very nervous about it
Talents: Climber, Caregiver
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The Native Peat - Page 2 Empty Re: The Native Peat

Post by Claudius Thu Aug 08, 2013 10:32 am

Someone had been watching the group for some time. She watched the large white and brown wolf in particular. Even from this distance, she knew who he was. She would never forget him as long as she lived. "Claudius. My son."

Standing, she made her way gracefully over to the group. Her startling blue eyes took in all the other wolves around her. There were three youngsters, she noted, and two of them looked to have suffered some terrible injuries. She raised an eyebrow at this. What kind of life did these children live?

She stood a short distance away, as Claudius was engaged in a cold conversation with one of the pups. She sighed gently. So he was making enemies with one so young, was he? Foolish boy. Pups grew. And they didn't always lose their lust for vengeance as they grew.

"Hello, Claudius." She watched for her son's reaction with apprehension. She still didn't know how he would be towards her after she had sent him away.

Addressed: Claudius Mentioned: Damian, Jane, Dakota everyone really Words: 167

Post box codes (c) tru-vampyre


Claudius sighed slightly as Damian began his speech. So he was still on about the incident with the coyotes. And he was twisting the truth now as well. "Of course, you speak for yourself. I believe you are the only exception in this. And any impression that has been made, you made of it yourselves."

Claudius shook his head in exasperation. Sometimes he thought he would never get along with these pups. He hoped with age would come a change of heart. He turned his head to look at Chance as he said something under his breath. He couldn't quite catch what he said, but it he could tell that it was directed at Logan, or whatever his name was.

Another wolf came into the area. There was something familiar about the white and grey she wolf. He narrowed his eyes at her, trying to remember.

"Hello Claudius."

His eyes widened in shock as he realised who she was. "Mother??" he said in shock, gawping at the female who now stood among them.

Addressed: Damian, Ghost Mentioned: Chance, Logan Words: 167

Post box codes (c) tru-vampyre

Lame, just wanted to get Ghost in the RP. Smile

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The Native Peat - Page 2 Empty Re: The Native Peat

Post by Jefferson Thu Aug 08, 2013 10:49 am

| L o g a n |

‘’I’m no kid, I’m an adult, just like you.’’
‘’Male’s just shy; no means yes.’’
‘’But... But...’’

Logan looked at the strange wolf. He shook his head and averted his gaze, ignoring the strange one. He rolled his eyes casting them to the side, and the sky. He gave a dissatisfied snort, and curled his tail by his legs. The snap at him was rather a surprise, but Logan knew that there was nothing in it, and only gave the wolf a deathly glance, in warning if he tried it again. He would not be in good condition.

‘’You don’t tell me what I should do.’’
‘’Come on, feast with me.’’

'Feast? Whilst in and amongst this pack? No thankyou! Not with them all watching and making him vulnrable whilst he ate! No way! Was this wolf stupid? Or just plain dumb' Logan gave a rather concerned look at Jeamesaro.

"There's no need to be bickering, now, you two. If we loners start a fight here, who knows what this pack would do to us."
"Can you believe them, just waltzing onto our land and setting up camp like they've been here their whole lives? You'd think they'd have a bit of consideration, but I guess we'll just have to make the best of it."
"I assume you guys are loners as well."

Logan looked at the short-coated [in comparison to wolves] female that had trotted up, he hadn't seen this one before and she was definitely not part with this pack. She had a orangey coat with some creamish markings. Logan was on to the female as soon as she opened her mouth, she as wanting the three of them to band up. He was not having it. "Yes I am alone, and I want to keep it that way" there was a mild growl in his throat as his sharp words cut the air.

‘’Yet, who says this is our ground? We are loners, we don’t have a territory. So this isn’t our ground. Everyone is allowed to camp here if they like. Who are we to tell them wrong.’’

Logan scoffed, rolling his eyes once more, he got to his paws and shook out the dirt from his pelt, that was a result of the earlier mishap where the female had pinned him.

“Go eat dirt,”

Logan looked at the pathetic male that was padding past at a slow rate, he did not appreciate the words that were said by the wolf. Once again it aggravated him. He immediately walked straight after him, his paws pressing hard into the ground his quick tensioning pace as he caught the males side rather quickly.

In a smooth move, he somewhat stood on his back legs, wrapping his jaws around the back of Chance's neck, his leg over the withers of Chance, whilst the other foreleg, was on the ground. Logan pushed him down, making him faceplant into the ground, pressing the wolf's nose harder and harder into the dirt. "Why don't you eat it. You pathetic, good for nothing mongrel. You should just go away and crawl in a hole and leave the world. Your doing it no purpose!" Logan's words were not just harsh, they were completely cruel and mean, perhaps even a bit much, even from him. He didn't care, he wasn't taking crap off anyone. Regardless of who they were...

[ a d d r e s s e d ] Chance, Caroline, Jeamesaro, Others
[ m e n t i o n e d ] The pack, and others.
[ n o t e s ] Permission to make Chance 'eat dirt' given to me by Chance Smile


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The Native Peat - Page 2 Empty Re: The Native Peat

Post by Varien Thu Aug 08, 2013 11:20 am

The Native Peat - Page 2 34978jq The Native Peat - Page 2 33ayufk

‘’So? I can barely walk, but you don't see me crying about it. Our lives haven't been a walk in the park! So why don't you give us a break for once!’’
Varien snorted at this. The sleek black wolf couldn’t believe Damian saw him as one of… them. he had never judged these two siblings before, he had never even spoken to them before, so why did he never ‘give them a break’? It was illogical! They couldn’t blame him for something he hadn’t done before.
Well, they could blame him for it this time, but not for many other times before, which didn’t even conclude him. That was the problem which bothered the male the most.

‘’I’ve never spoken to you before, so how can I not ‘give you a break for once’? I’ve never bothered you before.’’, the Interior Alaska wolf said coldly.
These two pups maybe had been through a lot, but they weren’t the only ones. They often said that they were judged by the Guild’s members, but they too judged the others. No wonder they were often judged, ignored or avoided by the other wolves.
These two wanted to become strong and brave, Varien couldn’t blame them for that. After all fighting dogs were born as fighting dogs, and would never change. These hybrids were just born this way. But their behavior was slightly getting out of hand in his opinion.

‘’My sister didn't know she couldn't speak. If she did, do you think she'd accuse her of ignoring us like the rest of the pack does?!’’
‘’Yes, but…’’, Varien mumbled, trying to somewhat hush the pup, but Damian didn’t seem finished yet with his speech. The sleek wolf knew the pup somewhat had the rights to it. However, his heart stung a slightly by hearing Damian’s next words.
‘’We've done nothing more than the rest of the pack. It's fine for you to question and prod the pup, but when it comes to us two, you instantly push us away! So why don't you back off and let a pup talk to the pup! Surely someone our size is less intimidating than someone who's five times her size. But scrap it. She's probably terrified of us now thanks to you! Treat her like a baby, mother her, because that's really going to help her in this world.’’

The four months old ran off and Varien wasn’t sure whether to go after him or not.
‘’Hey, wait! Kid!’’
The black male with the purple eyes felt quite bad about his actions. All the pups wanted to do was help the Guild, in their own way, of course, and to become strong like… Agro, for instance. The male had to make it up to the young hybrid. But how?
He glanced at Agro and the others and lowered his head, sighing:
‘’Excuse me…’’
The black Interior Alaska wolf left the small group of wolves and went after Damian. The pup probably would try to chase him off or snap at him and tell him he was almost just as useless as Claudius (he had often heard stories about Claudius around the pups), but Varien knew as well that Dakota and Damian, especially Damian, would want to become strong. Varien had just made up a great plan that would finally get him accepted and maybe even respected by these pups.

‘’Damian, wait up! I’m sorry.’’, he yelled once more, before ending up near him. he stood there, a few meters away from the four months old pup, his head lowered. The sleek black wolf didn’t want to come any closer as he felt Damian was going to snap at his legs soon. But he still tried to talk to the kid.
‘’I heard you want to become strong, and become a great fighter. That’s why you went over to that old Agro. But Agro is never in the mood to fight you or train you.’’, the male spoke, hoping Damian would listen to him.
He wasn’t the one to speak of his past, but decided to share it with Damian for only this one time.
‘’I was promoted to a fighter back in my birth pack, a year ago. But, I got banned after I had challenged and killed our leader Blue, who was feared in our land by many.’’
‘’And if you don’t believe me, ask Mika. He was still a yearling back then, but he can still remember it clearly.’’
‘’Anyway, I can teach you to become strong. You will even be able to beat old Agro in about a year if you study hard enough. So, what do you say? Want me to become your punching bag, and to learn you all the fighting skills I know?’’
The Native Peat - Page 2 33ayufk

Addressed: Damian (directly), group of wolves (indirectly)
Mentioned: Dakota, Agro, Damian, Claudius, Mikazaru
Word count: 800!
Note: I’m on a roll, I can’t believe this is my second post this week. But when reading Damian’s post I just had to reply as soon as possible. Damian’s gonna love using Varien as his punching bag? xD

Posts : 15
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Age : 28
Location : Outer space?

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Mate/Crush: He has always had his eyes on a certain male
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The Native Peat - Page 2 Empty Re: The Native Peat

Post by Mikazaru Thu Aug 08, 2013 12:19 pm

The Native Peat - Page 2 34rxb7r
The Native Peat - Page 2 E8q3de

‘’Yes I am alone, and I want to keep it that way.’’, the stranger said and Jeamesero huffed. Though, his expression never changed. He kept holding no expression at all as he watched the male.
The male rolled his eyes at Jeamesero’s words, but even that didn’t affect the light brown coated wolf. The male reminded the Hudson Bay wolf of a long lost friend, who he had lost only a year ago. He wondered if he would ever see his friend again.
As he thought of his lost buddy, a song his friend’s father came to his mind, that they used to sing together. it had been a song dedicated to the light brown male, as the father had called him Golden Brown.

As this song came back to him, he hummed it softly. His chestnut brown eyes said nothing, but a slight smile appeared on his face.
‘’Golden brown, texture like sun.
Lays me down, with my mind she runs.
Throughout the night.
No need to fight.
Never a frown with golden brown.’’

It had been quite a strange song, because the old male had never been that good at making up songs and stories. They always were bad in grownup’s eyes, but pups and yearlings always loved his strange lyrics.
And often they would keep memories with them, great memories. Oh, how much he missed his friend. How much this made him miss his friend.

Just as the stranger who had been pinned dwon by the female got up to shake out his fur, the other male passed by. The one who had been intimidated by the white with dark grey stranger.
Jeamesero hoped the stranger wouldn’t be too harsh on him this time. But the wolf telling him to ‘eat dirt’ was telling him this situation was getting tense again.
‘’Why don't you eat it. You pathetic, good for nothing mongrel. You should just go away and crawl in a hole and leave the world. You’re doing it no purpose!’’
Jeamesero felt bad for the poor male, but felt no need to really jump into this conversation-of-no-use. Instead he just spoke with a gentle voice, trying to sound like he hadn’t even really listened to what this white male had said.
‘’Well well well, that’s not really nice of you. Every wolf has a purpose and a destiny in this world.’’, he said, the smile on his face had appeared to let a slight grin take over. He looked at the rude stranger and this time he mumbled. ‘’At least, not here…’’

Jeamesero got up and stretched his limps one by one, letting out a loud and long yawn. ‘’Ah, how good I feel today. We should just lay somewhere in the shadows and enjoy this summer day. Just… sleep for no reason. I feel like sleeping, you feel like sleeping? I feel like sleeping.’’
With those words, still no expression in his dull eyes, he laid down and rested his head on his paws. He gave the male and female a short glance before closing his eyes ‘’Good night. Please wake me when the meal of the day is ready.’’


Addressed: Caroline, Logan
Mentioned: Logan, Caroline, Chance, his old father and his father’s friend.
Jeames’ mood: Alright, lazy
Word count: 525
Music used for the lyrics: Golden Brown – The Stranglers <3
Note: I really need to get back to roleplaying as Mika so I’m putting Jea to sleep for now. c;

The Native Peat - Page 2 2chri12 The Native Peat - Page 2 2i903dd

With this stranger away from the group and especially Chance, Mikazaru felt a lot for more safe. There was no need to worry anymore. But yet he kept his amber eyes drawn to the stranger wolf to make sure he was not up to anything else.
Mikazaru saw how he ended up alone, but soon the male called Jeamesero had joined him, and once more another wolf came to start a conversation with him; the female who called herself Caroline. Marina’s sister. Mikazaru watched carefully as he perked his ears and listened.
He had nothing to say anymore, so listening was his only option he had right now. Maybe it would gain him a spot in another conversation. Because, Mikazaru was more a talker than a listener, even for his shy behavior.
He had already been with the Guild for a pretty long time, and all the members had for the most of it taken away his shyness, and replaced it by curiosity. This was the other side of Mikazaru which he barely showed to others. The Guild had won his trust and this was what they had made of him.

‘’There's no need to be bickering, now, you two. If we loners start a fight here, who knows what this pack would do to us. Can you believe them, just waltzing onto our land and setting up camp like they've been here their whole lives? You'd think they'd have a bit of consideration, but I guess we'll just have to make the best of it.’’
Waltzing on their land? This was no one’s land. These three were all strangers, and there didn’t seem to live any pack nearby. So why did this female call this place their land? Something Mikazaru couldn’t understand. But soon after Caroline’s words, Jeamesero replied to her. And he had the same statement in his mind Mikazaru had been thinking off.
‘’I’m a loner, yes. Yet, who says this is our ground? We are loners, we don’t have a territory. So this isn’t our ground. Everyone is allowed to camp here if they like. Who are we to tell them wrong.’’

Mikazaru suddenly heard paw steps near him and looked around to see Chance walking off. He looked quite sad, but wasn’t yet too scared of the new stranger to walk right past him and whisper something at him.
The black male wondered what Chance had said to the stranger, but he didn’t have to wait long. The white with dark grey male was already replying to him, loud enough for Mikazaru to hear.
‘’Why don't you eat it. You pathetic, good for nothing mongrel. You should just go away and crawl in a hole and leave the world. You’re doing it no purpose!’’
Mikazaru felt really bad for Chance by hearing these words, and he really wanted to help him. But the sight of this rude stranger made him feel very uncomfortable, scared. He glanced over at Marina, hoping she would give him an idea.
‘’Want me to go after him or leave him alone for a while…?’’, he asked the female. She knew Chance better than he did, so Mikazaru hoped Marina knew the answer.

Addressed: Marina
Mentioned: Marina, Chance, Logan, Caroline, Jeamesero
Mika’s mood: Calm, worried
Word count: 532
Note: I’m so hungryyy!


Posts : 479
Join date : 2013-07-01
Age : 27
Location : the Netherlands

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Mate/Crush: Someone. c;
Talents: Speaker, Caregiver
Roleplay Items: Second character: Jeamesero

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The Native Peat - Page 2 Empty Re: The Native Peat

Post by Marina Thu Aug 08, 2013 10:07 pm

 ‘’I’m a loner, yes. Yet, who says this is our ground? We are loners, we don’t have a territory. So this isn't our ground. Everyone is allowed to camp here if they like. Who are we to tell them wrong?" 

 Caroline arched an eyebrow. "When did I say it was our land? I obviously don't own it - nor do you - but this was a peaceful No Wolf's Land before they arrived. Where do they expect us loners who were living here before to go? I'm just stating my hopes that they won't move in."

‘’Yes I am alone, and I want to keep it that way.’’ Caroline merely shrugged at the grouchy one. She didn't need him, although she quite liked his bluntness. 

 “I…” Chance's voice quavered; he got to his paws, looking quite tragic. “I’m not worth hanging around…” With that, the fellow strolled off, murmuring something to the strange white-and-black male as he went. 

 Marina didn't have time to follow her friend indignantly before the loner attacked him, pushing him to the ground and burying his face in the dirt. He yelled something, but Marina wasn't listening. 

  "I'm going to kill you!" she shrieked, throwing herself at the much-larger wolf. She hit him in the side (like hitting a brick wall, frankly) and buried her teeth into the fur on his neck in attempt to rip his throat out. 

  Caroline stared as her sister randomly tried to attack that white-and-black guy. Jeames went off, cheerfully rambling something. What the heck was going on. 

Marina Addressed: Logan
Marina mentioned: Chance
Caroline Addressed: Jeames
Caroline mentioned: Logan, Marina

NOTE: lame post

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The Native Peat - Page 2 Empty Re: The Native Peat

Post by Chance Fri Aug 09, 2013 12:30 am

Chance hadn’t really known what kind of reaction to expect when he’d said those short words to Logan. He hadn’t really been thinking when they had come out of his mouth, so when the larger male reacted Chance was caught completely by surprise.

With the heavy pawsteps coming up behind him, the male didn’t look back. He didn’t care if this male was going to tell him what for again, he already knew he was not good for anything so whatever this male wanted to yell at him didn’t matter. What happened though was something a little different. Logan had taken great offence at Chance’s mumbled words and went in to attack him. Jaws locked around the back of Chance’s neck and a leg went over his shoulders, then suddenly his front legs buckled, his face forced right into the ground.

The forced bowing position caused Chance great pain in his neck and back as well as where his head contacted the ground. He whimpered from the pain, regretting ever having even laid eyes on the wolf that was now holding him down. The cruel words that Logan spat out made him want to cry, not just because they were heartless but also because part of Chance believed they were true. Logan not only crushed his body but also his soul.

No wolf stepped in to intervene, though Chance thought he could hear someone ask if they should do something but nothing seemed to come help him. It’s ok, I’m not worth the trouble…

Then a shriek came. It was Marina. He couldn’t see what was going on from his position on the ground but he was vaguely away that the female was attacking Logan. Chance let out a whine. He wanted to call out for her not to bother getting her because of him but pressed down as he was he could do nothing.

Addressed: Logan,
Mentioned: Marina, Mikazaru


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The Native Peat - Page 2 Empty Re: The Native Peat

Post by Agro Sun Aug 11, 2013 11:42 pm

Agro seemed to be slipping into one of his moods again. Typically a wolf such as Jamesero would draw a great amount of guffaw-ing and egging-on from the old meister, especially when the wolf drew the ire of one of the pups. Much of the guild had either washed their muzzles of the two, or handled them with excessive care. A wolf like this fellow tended to shake things up.

However, Agro wore the hat of a hungry wolf today, rather than a merry elder, and could do little more than observe this newcomer. He seemed to mean little harm, so Agro chose to ignore him for the time. There seemed to be... smaller, but no less important issues at paw to deal with now.

Vidocq approached with an air more genial than usual, a pup in his wake, shivering with a mix of fear and perhaps weakness. Agro turned his head to focus his good eye on her, and at the same time she turned a scarred muzzle his way. The sight did not startle Agro, but being a professional on all things scarred and permanently damaged, he knew that these wounds had healed but had not gone away, and he wondered what sort of damage they continued to do to this pup.

"Caught yerself a rabbit, eh Vid?" Agro asked, his tone a rumble of softness, tinged with a sort of road hardened kindness. Speaking directly to her, he gave her a crooked grin, lopsided in part due to the scarring on his own face. "Now then, li'l bird,, ain't no reason t'be afraid 'ere. Ye may be among the rough-n-tumblest wolves from this shore t'other, but yer among friends with the Guild o' Merry Mongrels."

As he mentioned friends, the pups seemed to take an interest in their fellow. Agro mentally cringed to think of the roughness this pup would face at their paws, and knew he'd have to rout them soundly to keep them playing nice. Well, that would perhaps come later. This little one would be a welcome sight to wolves like Chance and Mikazaru, wolves who by now were surely afeared that all the pups of the world had gone rogue and were not monsters almost impossible to recognize as puppies.

Another wolf drew attention then, and lots of the negative sort. In fact, this wolf seemed intent on getting all the wolves of the Guild riled up. Agro's moment of softness seemed at an end.

"Many pard'ns, little lady." Agro said to Jane with a nod, and turned to face his wolves. Of course, the cubs were in the thick of it, as were the females still. Chance's involvement struck Agro as odd, and seeing the wolf so compromised by a stranger would've typically evoked something from him - although that would have, of course, been laughter. However, Agro's laughing mood was eaten up by his own hunger.

His good eye narrowed as the scene seemed to spiral out of control, and his heavy pelt began to swell as the hair on his nape stood on end.


Agro's voice bellowed as a roar, and the sleepy grandfather turned into the Bloody Bard before their eyes. Agro's tone had command to it, enough to make even the biggest wolf shudder, and the smallest wolf quake in terror. Agro's fangs bared themselves, and his warning came with a snarl that seemed unwolf-ly, akin more to a larger presence, or a supernatural being. His command shaved years off his face, and gave him almost a divine presence.

For about five seconds.

Having thusly caught their attentions, the Bloody Bard turned back into Agro, although a sour looking version of the brute. "Alright, then. Seems I ask'd fer hunters a bit ago, and couldn't find me any. So 'ere goes again. I'm hungry, the little lady's hungry, and yer Guildmates need a meal." He approached them with the air of a general in a war, his good eye on Logan.

"Ye seem pretty intent on feedin' my wolves, there, wanderer." Agro said, his tone only with a hint of warning to it. "How abou' instead of squabblin' with my Guild ye show me what ye can do when it comes to the hunt? The game 'ere's small, but it's fleet, so's I could use a wolf like ye, and figur' ye could use some big game in yer belly."

Agro knew the wanderers of the world could rarely resist the promise of a big hunt. Small game was hardly satisfactory after a diet subsisting on small bones and small meat for months on end, and the thrill of taking on big game was often sorely missed.

He turned to face the rest of them, still seeming annoyed, but a little brighter with the prospect of food. "I figur' about half o' us will go huntin', and half can do a bit 'o scoutin' around t' see if there are other wolves about. We can report back here in abou' an hour. Marina, how's about ye and yer sister lead the scouts, while I take charge on the hunt?"

Addressed: Pretty much everyone

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